The first self-aligning and translating leadscrew and ball screw nut.
The PunkNut allows:
- Accommodation of misalignment and mounting tolerance issues which critically affect reliability and life
- Greatly reduced Installation time associated with achieving accurate alignment
- Accommodation of structural movement and flexing which critically affect operation, thus preventing screw bending and nut binding, and therefore preventing variable loading and associated wear on driving components
With the PunkNut single or double axis misalignment up to +/-15° accommodated without any increase in load and wear on the system, thus maintaining system operating efficiency and improving anticipated life.
The Punk® geometric philosophy can be applied to leadscrew and ball screw nuts in linear actuators as a means of accommodating angular misalignment between the leadscrew or ball screw and carriage rails. In this application:
- The inner surface of the inner ring has the lead nut thread or contains a ball screw nut
- The axial load is carried by the spherical surfaces
- The axles purely react the torque of the lead screw and nut or ball screw and nut
- The complete PunkNut assembly incorporates simple linear sliding mechanisms
- The travel required for the linear slides is determined as a trigonometric function of the required angle of misalignment and the length of leadscrew traversed